Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Great article as always

The number of blogs which I use RSS to check grows over time. I use an Firefox extension called Sage to perform the aggregation and checking.

The blog: Creating Passionate Users is always a great read. This article covers the data to wisdom hierarchy with plenty of great links.

I have thought that the killer app (or at least one) is transforming data into wisdom. Given my functional programming slant plus exposure to datawarehousing and ETL (Extract Transform Load) ideas, I see this process as passing the data and then the result of each step through to a compiled form which can used to give experience, understanding and wisdom.

I kinda of see this compiled form being the input into a 3D computer environment, with the understanding and experience gained via something like a hero's journey or quest.
This allows the reuse of existing components, in the form of 3D gaming engines and Massive Multiple Player Online communities such as Everquest, World of Warcraft etc.

Whilst this is high tech, plenty of illiterate tribes have used stories and myths to pass understanding onto the next generation. So gaining understanding and wisdom through stories should be natural and easy to understand.

I keen to see what other peoples comments as, if you have links to other sites which are doing this that would be great.

Have Fun

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