Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Expanding Oracle knowledge

I have been using Oracle XE on Ubuntu to build the basic stock indicators. I have been using SQL to get a idea, later I am going to rewrite as functions and bundle into a package.

The main reasons for using Oracle over writing the equivalent in perl or something else is.

  1. The data now resides in a database, selecting and manipulating data is a breeze using a language I am intimate with (SQL).
  2. There is no need to reinvent the wheel or roll-your-own, after some playing with examples using the Analytical functions in Oracle is straight forward.
  3. It exposes me to new areas of Oracle and improves my skillset in Oracle. I know can take my expanded knowledge and apply that to other areas on my DBA work. I have a couple of ideas brewing along those lines.
I have come across a couple of great blogs,
  1. Oracle Data Mining and Analytics
  2. Mark Rittman
I have always enjoying learning new stuff both in database land and elsewhere. Pushing the envelope by expanding your knowledge, even within your specialty means that area remains fresh.
I have known plenty of people who have become DBAs only to move on as it was too boring or become so stale that they leave the IT area completely.

Have Fun


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