Thursday, June 29, 2006

SQLserver 2005 query efficiency sql scripts

Until recently if you wanted to determine what queries or stored procedures were the least efficient you would have to capture all SQL either via SQL Profiler as described in these early posts on automating SQL Profiler and tuning using SQL Profiler or have a scheduled job which dumped the sql running from sysprocesses.

Now with the new dynamic performance views available in SQLserver 2005 you can run queries which allow you to determine these poor performers without much extra work.

As I noted in my last entry, the SQLserver 2005 team have a series of blogs and this inspired me to read and port my existing Oracle scripts which determine query efficiency to SQLserver 2005.
One of my favourite Oracle scripts uses the number of logical reads per execution as a good sign of poorly performing sql. Logical reads per execution is also a reasonable estimation of CPU per execution.

Normally on a poorly performing system I tend to follow these steps, in this case rewritten to use SQLserver 2005 new dynamic views.
  1. Quickly check taskmanager or perfmon to verify that the CPU or IO hog is in fact SQLserver and not IIS or SQL fulltext indexing services (or something else).
  2. Check for contention, is there one process blocking all others.
  3. Run the script to find sql with the highest elapsed time per execution.
  4. Run the script to find sql with the highest physical reads (PIO) per execution.
  5. Run the script to find sql with the highest logical reads (LIO) per execution.
So here are the efficiency scripts:

rem SQL Efficiency by Elapsed Time. Paul Moen 2006

select qs.creation_time
, qs.execution_count "Exec"
, qs.total_elapsed_time "Elapsed"
, total_physical_reads "PIO"
, total_logical_reads "LIO"
, round(qs.total_elapsed_time/qs.execution_count,1) "Time/Exec"
, round(qs.total_physical_reads/qs.execution_count,1) "PIO/Exec"
, round(qs.total_logical_reads/qs.execution_count,1) "LIO/Exec"
, st.text
from sys.dm_exec_query_stats as qs
cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) as st
where qs.execution_count > 0
order by "Time/Exec" desc

rem SQL Efficiency by Physical Reads per execution. Paul Moen 2006

select qs.creation_time
, qs.execution_count "Exec"
, qs.total_elapsed_time "Elapsed"
, total_physical_reads "PIO"
, total_logical_reads "LIO"
, round(qs.total_elapsed_time/qs.execution_count,1) "Time/Exec"
, round(qs.total_physical_reads/qs.execution_count,1) "PIO/Exec"
, round(qs.total_logical_reads/qs.execution_count,1) "LIO/Exec"
, st.text
from sys.dm_exec_query_stats as qs
cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) as st
where qs.execution_count > 0
order by "PIO/Exec" desc

rem SQL Efficiency by Logical Reads per execution
which is good estimate for CPU/execution. Paul Moen 2006

select qs.creation_time
, qs.execution_count "Exec"
, qs.total_elapsed_time "Elapsed"
, total_physical_reads "PIO"
, total_logical_reads "LIO"
, round(qs.total_elapsed_time/qs.execution_count,1) "Time/Exec"
, round(qs.total_physical_reads/qs.execution_count,1) "PIO/Exec"
, round(qs.total_logical_reads/qs.execution_count,1) "LIO/Exec"
, st.text
from sys.dm_exec_query_stats as qs
cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) as st
where qs.execution_count > 0
order by "LIO/Exec" desc

Sunday, June 25, 2006

SQLserver 2005 team blogs

I have been scanning some blogs by different teams involved with SQLserver 2005.
Here is a short list
  1. SQLserver 2005 Database engine tips
  2. SQLserver 2005 Query Optimizer
  3. SQLserver Query optimization - talking about SQL/TSQL optimization
  4. SQLserver storage Engine
There is a bit of cross linking happening so some articles are repeated on one or more blogs, nothing like helping the SEO along.

This article from the database engine blog about finding the top N worse SQL brought a (bemused) smile to my face. Finally SQLserver has views like Oracle, no more do you need to run SQL profiler 24x7 or some script which captures the SQL running every n secs to have an historical record of what has been running.

Guess this means I can start porting my Oracle scripts from using v$sql, v$sqlarea and in Oracle 10G R2 v$active_session_history to using sys.dm_exec_query_stats, sys.dm_exec_sql_text and sys.dm_exec_query_plan.

The trouble with plenty of relational databases has been that lack of exposure of the metadata/catalog of the database and the data within that catalog. Until recently plenty of the internal stuff in SQLserver had to be queried using various DBCC calls. Similarly, this is the same stuff that MySQL versions prior to 5 have with SHOW TABLE STATUS and SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST etc.

There is no nice way to see what the spread of data within a column is. It is good that these vendors are exposing this to the outside world via SQL rather than a tool with requires the output to be further parsed.

Have Fun

Friday, June 16, 2006

Interesting web articles

I am getting back into the groove, catching up on all those interesting blog entries and web articles which I missed in Canada, not because I didn't have internet access, just my whole RSS feed reader wasn't there, neither were my bookmarks/favourites. My setup is the result of many hours of filtering which I don't need to spend time remembering (unless I need to).

I am working from home in the interim, which has been great, depending on what I am doing I enjoy working or studying to some music. As I have mentioned in the past pandora provides a great resource of music. I tend to listen to a genre called vocal trance which is basically dance music, other times it might be classical, jazz or even metal in various forms. I like my music to be packed with plenty of action and depth.

Here are couple of articles worth reading:
  1. Mosh Pit Learning
  2. Python Sudoku Solver
I find the area on constraint programming interesting, there is a prolog Sudoku solver as well which uses a similar method using prolog constraints to solve the puzzles. The idea that the program moves forward and reduces the problem set might be useful in tuning situations where the need to eliminate non-issues (sometimes in a hurry) is important.

Lots of developers have issues with using constraints in databases, mainly relating to error handling. That is kinda weird as the database model is really an expression of a business or application model. i.e. a sale must have a product and a customer.
Foreign key, unique and check constraints allow the database to police those business rules (or constraints) so that the data remains accurate, without depending on any application.

In some sense the data model provides insight into the business. What problem (for the customer) is business trying to solve...

Have Fun

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Back to Sydney

My three weeks in Canada is almost over.

I am killing a couple of hours in Vancouver before heading back to Sydney.

If you get a chance go and have a read of the Pythian blog. Like I said before these blokes and gals are smart. Christo is a damn fine Starcraft player as well. I thought I was reasonable, but hey 6 minutes and its over is really really good.

I am going to being spending time getting the Australian office happening and then Pythian goes 24x5!!

My time is limited again.

Craig Sham. Orapref has done some interesting work on performance forecasting. This I believe is the next tuning wave, after ratios,waits and response time.
Hotsos is doing some fine stuff with queuing theory as well.

Enough for now. I will be back on Aussie time in about 20 hours

Have Fun

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Kaplan-Meier analysis

The blokes at Pythian are damn smart.
Paul Vallee mentioned the use of a statistical analysis of survival. Specifically Kaplan-Meier survival analysis.
After Paul explained how he was using it, I thought of other areas where you could use it. It comes down to how or what you class as being survival and death.

  1. Database performance. At what point does the performance hang (or die) and what is the mean time of survival. Survival could be a reasonable response time for a known query.
  2. Stock survival. The ASX whilst having large blue chip stocks continues a lot of speculative mining and biotech startups. It would be interesting to run some survival analysis over them.
This tool doesn't tell you what is required to survive and that would be heavily influenced by choice of the survival indications.

Anyway I have to go. Going to play computer games all afternoon. Should be good.

Have Fun