Saturday, March 29, 2008

Why Earth Hour is wrong

A percentage of people in Sydney 2% last year will turn off their lights for one hour.

The generators still run, even these people's fridges, hot water heaters, electronic devices still
It is a bunch of people trying to feel good about themselves. They are supporting a idea which is trying to make the rest of us feel bad about ourselves and our current way of life.

Their underlining argument taken to the logical conclusion would be for noone to use electricity, no lights anywhere, not just in Australia but the entire globe. They would deny this but this mentality is anti-modern life, and for most people this means anti-human.
They want people to go back to the pre-modern times without electricity and without light (after dark).

Turn your lights off and go back to the stone age.
Leave you lights on and enjoy your weekend.

I keep writing these rants as I believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!
  1. Life: The sanctity of human life, no-one has the right to demand human sacrifice of any kind, physical, mental or economical.
  2. Liberty: Freedom from the use of arbitrary force.
  3. Pursuit of Happiness: Be happy as long as you don't violate the first two rules.
Have Fun
