Monday, March 10, 2008

ooohhh white flight from NSW public schools

Sydney Morning Herald front page lead with the digg bait heading "White flight leaves system segregated by race"

I am not going to even link to it. Google will find it for you.

It is a nasty little article, the aim to increase funding for public schools within NSW, re-remove parent's choice of schools and of course label all those white Anglo-Australians as racist.

Those parents are discriminating bastards! Parents are noting and observing the differences between schools. They are distinguishing accurately that one school is different from another. Of course they are discriminating. One school is crap and the other less crap or maybe even good!

The NSW government allocates (when I last looked at the NSW Education 2002 budget) around $6,500 per kid at primary and $8,500 for secondary. If parents want to spend their own after-tax money on sending their kids somewhere else it is their choice.

Of course there is always an "enlightened" elite who wish to make the choices for everyone.

Unfortunately they can't just rule outright, so have to raise thought balloons, shape opinion, guide policy makers, lobby politicans, setup Non-Government Organizations (NGO), institutes and think tanks etc etc.

Have Fun
