Not too many people visit this site, which is fine. It is an ongoing experiment in learning blogging, mucking around with ads etc.
You might have noticed the adsense ads are gone. I did a quick check on google and even the pages which used to be on google are gone now.
Seems I must be a spam blog or splog in Google's eyes. oh well. Does this look and feel like a splog?
I was struck over the weekend by the various blogs I read about databases. Sometimes I feel it is a pissing contest i.e. look how deeply we have delved into the internals... look at the complexity which we understand.
Reality is most people are looking for information, mostly to make their job easier or finding a distraction from their everyday life or wondering what is happening elsewhere.
Enough ranting.
There was a slight note in passing about Jim Gray on a blog I read, apparently he is missing after going sailing, I clicked the link and bingo. This is an awesome site. I have already more than 10 presentations and documents to read and some more websites to visit.
Go check it out. There was a recent debate about disk bandwidth, there is plenty of fuel on rekindle to fire from Jim Gray's website.
Have Fun