Do you still websurf?
Or is it all google and RSS and aggregators?
Is what you read presented to you as the result of a popularity contest at digg, reddit, or even google (page rank is a popularity contest)?
I am beginning to understand, partially as some of those sources signal to noise ratio decreases and partially from watching how articles become popular and how there is a huge demand for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
I was bouncing from one article to another, seeing something interesting and opening a firefox tab to read or bookmark for later digestion and came across an interesting article or transcript of Bruce Sterling about pervasive computing. A gem!
I have listened to a couple of Bruce Sterling's presentations via podcasts from ITconversations
and old Bruce has a way with words. I rate his presentations highly and feel they are actually just as effective, just hearing the voice as I guess seeing the presentation.
I am in mind expansion mode at the moment, and it is time to learn more again.
Ever see people use the word "Grok" before? If you don't the background to the word check out Robert Heinlein "Stranger in a strange land". I am not Grok-ing stuff at the moment, I am purely sucking in new concepts before I can begin to understand.
Have Fun