Saturday, May 20, 2006

Blogging from Canada

As part of my new role I am going to meet the Pythian team based in Ottawa, Canada. It will be great to meet the guys and girls face to face.

So at the moment I am sitting in the departure area of Vancouver Airport waiting for the connection to Ottawa. I have time to burn so I thought it might be fun to write an article from an airport internet terminal. Humour me...

I have a couple of ideas for new articles and maybe a extra direction for the site relating to ASX listed stocks.

Some ideas I want to pursue in the near future are

  1. Using Analytical functions in Oracle in combination with Oracle statistical gathering to provide indepth and potential a new way to view performance metrics.
  2. Use the Oracle Data Miner and prediction functions to actually produce predictive performance analysis based on the Oracle stats.
  3. Review the state of SQLserver dates as stored by the datetime datatype. We have seen some weird dates which do not match what the online books (doco) say are the limits.
  4. Further review and detailed outlines of installing Oracle on Ubuntu.
  5. Expansion on the dead money comparsions (rent vs mortgage interest) to truly show the tax effective nature of buying and leasing for the first 7-10 years of the loan.
  6. Build on my expanding knowledge of Analytics to produce some unique reports on ASX listed stocks.

I am also going to write some blog articles for Pythian on their blog once I get going. The first one relates to extracting a complete copy of the CTXSYS to faciliate moving a schema with text or domain indexes.

Plenty of work ahead and as I mentioned, the more popular a subject the more I will use that to guide the articles I write in the future.

My time is limited to the coins I have so I will sign off.

Have Fun
