I made the 5000 point Staff Sergeant rank last week, I took the upgrade to the assault weapon. I have been playing around with a tool FRAPs which displays the framerate in the game and also can take movies as well. Every time I do something which would be interesting to see again it is too late unfortunately.
I have been disappointed in every upgraded weapon apart from the medic upgrade. The scope and semi-auto accuracy are very good. The rest of the weapons (apart from the sniper) seem less accurate, I still seem to shoot everything but too much in close combat even with the sights trained squarely on the enemy.
I would love EA to have kept data so that I could review my performance over time, I am definitely a better player now, but as the stats are still aggregate my earlier low scores still have too much significance of the points per minute and accuracy counters etc.
It is still great fun, even better to kill people who are clearly using some kind of dodgy aim device. I see it in every round with 5-10% of people immediately doing the dive/roll and shot on seeing you. More often then not that shot is a headshot. Are they just that good? From that distance? With that weapon? When I am moving at the same time?
As my muscle memory improves now I instinctively jump or dodge for cover (mostly in vain), sometimes I survive the first shot and kill them (much to their amazement I guess). I had one guy do the move 3 times and I still got him as I kept a building between me and his headshots.
If I feel I am getting better and the game is now almost 12 months old, does that mean the other players are also going to better rather than rookies?
Or have the best left for the next game and only the latecomers and therefore rookies are still left?
Have Fun